Saturday 26 April 2008

The First Day in SMAN 11 Purworejo

I will talk about the most beautiful momment in my life. It is very important and unforgettable in my life.

It was the time I have to leave SMAN 8 Purworejo to SMA 11 Purworejo. I was very sad because I have to leave my new friend. My feeling was broken. But after I know the students of SMAN 11 Purworejo who are very good to me and accept me as their new friend I was very happy.

Thank you friends, you are my spirit.


Hello Friends!

Hello, My name is Ira Ira Agustina is my complete name. I live in Lugurejo village. My birthday is 26th August. I love badminton, eating. Having sport exercise and a;so hanging around.

It's great to meet you.
